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Free download whatsapp messenger for samsung galaxy tab 10 1. 4 May 2020 WhatsApp can now be installed on laptop/PCs and tablet devices (Android Only). You can follow the instructions below and be part of the free you need to do to download WhatsApp on an Android tablet without a SIM card:. Please download the latest version of WhatsApp Messenger. OS 4.0.3 or above; Unlimited internet data plan recommended; Tablet devices are not supported  14 Nov 2019 Here's how to get WhatsApp on your tablet. and make voice and video calls all for free over a Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. the truth is you can install any app on any Android device by sideloading its APK file - even When you download and install an app from Google Play you are effectively  13 Feb 2020 You can make phone calls and send texts with a tablet—even if it's not connected to a cellular network. Verizon Messages comes pre-installed on Verizon Android™ tablets, so you don't even need to download it. If you use Like Whatsapp, Signal provides free and fast communication all over the world. 8 Nov 2016 You can open a WhatsApp account on your Tablet without a SIM card in the device. a valid SIM on your Android phone, or how to spy on someone just by chatting on #1 Download and Install WhatsApp on Your Tablet.